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Bura Constituency

The constituency was established prior to the 1997 elections. Bura Constituency lies within Tana River County covering an area of 13,600 Km2. It borders a number of other constituencies.Bura Constituency faces a myriad of challenges even as efforts are made to achieve development targets. Among the challenges are the life-styles of residents, livelihoods, education, an arid climate, extreme weather events, human-wildlife conflicts and food insecurity. To guide the development agenda for Bura, it is necessary to have a blue print on the targets to be achieved by the constituency and a commensurate work-plan for achieving the same. The goal of this strategic plan is to provide a roadmap to guide the development process for the period 2018 – 2023. The formulation of this plan was participatory and aims to achieve its objectives by empowering constituency residents through public sensitization, improved security and access to education and health care, value addition to agriculture produce and promotion of entrepreneurial activities.

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County Assembly Wards in Bura Constituency :

Bangale Ward
  1. County Assembly Ward No.:
  2. County Assembly Ward Name: Bangale
  3. County Assembly Ward Population (Approx.):
  4. County Assembly Ward Area In Sq. Km (Approx.):
  5. County  Assembly Ward Description: comprises part of
Chewele Ward
  1. County Assembly Ward No.:
  2. County Assembly Ward Name: Chewele
  3. County Assembly Ward Population (Approx.):
  4. County Assembly Ward Area In Sq. Km (Approx.):
  5. County  Assembly Ward Description: comprises part of
Hirimani Ward
  1. County Assembly Ward No.:
  2. County Assembly Ward Name: Hirimani
  3. County Assembly Ward Population (Approx.):
  4. County Assembly Ward Area In Sq. Km (Approx.):
  5. County  Assembly Ward Description: comprises part of
Madogo Ward
  1. County Assembly Ward No.:
  2. County Assembly Ward Name: Madogo
  3. County Assembly Ward Population (Approx.):
  4. County Assembly Ward Area In Sq. Km (Approx.):
  5. County  Assembly Ward Description: comprises part of
Sala Ward
  1. County Assembly Ward No.:
  2. County Assembly Ward Name: Sala
  3. County Assembly Ward Population (Approx.):
  4. County Assembly Ward Area In Sq. Km (Approx.):
  5. County  Assembly Ward Description: comprises part of